travelers' perceptions of Mexico extend to coastal hotspots
such as Baja, Cancun and Acapulco, and also to the border towns
of Tijuana, Nogales and Matamoros. Although certainly worthy
of visiting, there is so much more that this country can offer
to the adventurous ecotourist.
Over the next few
months, we will be sharing information about the undiscovered
"Mysteries of Mexico," culminating in the 6th annual
Expo Aventura
y Ecoturismo in Mexico City from June 3-5, 2004. Following
the Expo, which will highlight the country's various destinations,
a number of FAM and media trips will take place, allowing
tour operators and media to experience Mexico's mysteries
first-hand. Invitations are forthcoming to attend these FAM/Media
is a land of extremes - from tropical rainforests to vast deserts,
tropical beaches to snow-covered volcanoes. United with a multitude
of indigenous cultures, archaeological masterpieces, a rich history
(and even pre-history), and quaint villages, Mexico is a perfect
destination for today's adventure and ecotourist. A plethora of
airline providers, tour operators, transportation options (including
buses and trains), and an upgraded national highway system facilitate
movement around the country's 760,000 square miles.
part of North America, Mexico is divided into 31 states and the
Distrito Federal, which consists primarily of the sprawling capital
of Mexico City. Yet, despite having one of the largest cities on
earth, the country remains one of the three richest nations on earth
in terms of the variety of plants and animals. The desert tortoise,
more than 300 cacti species and agave (used to make tequila) inhabit
the northern scrublands and desert, while blue whales and the world's
second-longest barrier reef highlight the country's 6,250 miles
of coastline. More than half the country is at least 3,200 feet
above sea level, in all types of climate zones. Rainforests in the
southeast are rich in exotic wildlife such as parrots, jaguars,
and quetzals, which were honored by the Mayan people.
aren't the only indigenous people of Mexico. Some 53 Indian language
groups exist throughout the country, mainly in the south, but some
large groups - notably the Tarahumara, Yaqui and Mayo are found
in the north. The Tarahumara,
found around the Copper Canyon region, are renowned for a game called
rarajipari, which can last for several days! Unfortunately, many
of the country's tribes have abandoned their traditional dress and
customs, so the opportunity to see people still living as they have
done for generations is an honor.
of Mexico's most fascinating treasures are its amazing archaeological
sites scattered around the country. Located just 30 miles outside
of Mexico City, Teotihuacán was once the most powerful city
of the New World, built more than 2000 years ago! Palenque is found
in southern Mexico, it's temples rising mysteriously out of the
jungles. And in the north, ancient cave paintings in Baja California
may date from 1200 BC.
Add grand cities,
beautiful cathedrals, interesting customs such as the Day of the
Dead and Semana Santa, and unbelievable authentic Mexican food -
mix that with the friendly and hospitable Mexican people - and you
now have a world-class destination for adventure and nature tourists

Let the fiesta begin … the Mysteries of Mexico await you.
President, Tradex Exposiciones Internacionales
Vice President Special Projects, AMTAVE (Asociacion Mexicana de
Turismo de Aventura y Ecoturismo)